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Laptop Pcs & Notebook Computers

USB Type-C will offer an entire ecosystem of standardized AC adapter, docks, and monitors putting an end to the purchase of USB-C accessories. Some new higher-end laptops introduced a new powerful standard or Thunderbolt 3 which is fully compatible with Type-C devices. Thunderbolt 3 can support up to two 4k displays, provide up to 100W of power, and offers a data transfer speed of up to 40Gbps. Screen Size It's getting harder to buy a bad laptop, but what separates the best laptop of 2021 from good laptops is how they balance power, efficiency, portability, and comfort. The top laptop should have a fantastic keyboard and trackpad — after all, those are the two biggest reasons you'd choose a laptop over a smartphone or tablet. Its display should be easy on the eyes, bright, and sharp enough that you aren't distracted by jagged edges and visible pixels. It should be powerful enough for most anything short of intensive video editing and advanced gaming. It should be easy